Live-in care is ideal for individuals choosing to “Age-in-Place”. Our Live-in companions do more than assist care recipients with the ADL and IADL. Live-in companions provide joyful companionship, emotional support, and peace of mind.
How It Works
If the individual is prone to wandering, waking up during the night and requires assistance, Live-in Care would not be suitable. Ability Homecare Live-in Care requires at least two-consecutive days in the home. Based on the care recipient’s personality, needs, and preferences, information acquired from the initial and comprehensive assessment is used to match the recipient with the best qualified live-in companion. As with all of Ability Homecare services, you are always in control and you choose your live-in care companion.
Benefits of Live-in Care
- It is the least expensive way of providing continuous coverage and costs less than half of the cost of providing Around-the-Clock Care
- It avoids the commotion of caregivers coming and going in shifts
- The tranquil atmosphere that it creates in the home is ideal for convalescing and regaining strength
- Live-in-Care is perfect for great bonding between the care recipient and live-in companion
For more information on why Ability Homecare Live-in Care reigns supreme, contact us or set an appointment for an individual consultation.